Stop Trading Time for Money =>Start Building Sustainable Growth

Your FREE Step-by-Step Guide to a High-Ticket Signature Program that Sells!

Inside this jam-packed guide, you'll discover:

  • The exact steps you need to take to create a high-ticket, bespoke signature program, even if you're feeling overwhelmed.

  • How to stand out in a crowded marketplace and position yourself as the go-to authority in your niche.

  • The secrets to attracting your ideal clients who are ready to invest in your expertise and get the results they crave.

  • Plus, you'll get exclusive access to a training video that walks you through each step of the process.

This isn't just about throwing together some online modules. It's about crafting a strategic program that delivers massive value and fuels your financial freedom.

Here's the truth: You have the potential to reach a wider audience, create a lasting impact, and achieve time and location freedom. But you don't have to do it alone.

Download your free guide today and take the first step towards building your dream business.

Let’s talk about how your business is serving you right now

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a cycle of trading time for money?

Do you find yourself pouring your heart and soul into serving clients one-on-one, only to feel exhausted and stretched thin?

Are you looking at that dream of time and location freedom with a business you can sustainably grow and thinking “There’s just no way!”I've been there, and I understand how daunting it can be.

But I can also tell you that if you keep going your dreams are going to start to feel heavy and your ambition could lead you to burnout.

Maybe you’re already sensing this?

It doesn’t have to go that way.

With a high-ticket signature program that features your best attributes and leverages your expertise, you can create a sustainable business, and reclaim your time and freedom.

This free map shows you the exact steps you need to take.

No more feeling overwhelmed or unsure of where to start.

Plus, gain access to an exclusive video training where I'll personally walk you through each step, sharing practical insights and strategies to guide you on your journey to success.

Here’s Why Coaches, Consultants, & Experts are Turning Away From the Traditional Business Model and Creating a Signature Program Instead


Scalability and Balance:

With an effective signature program in place, entrepreneurs can leverage their expertise and knowledge to serve multiple clients simultaneously without being limited by the constraints of time. This scalability allows them to significantly increase their earning potential while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Financial Freedom:

By transitioning from trading time for money to offering a high-ticket signature program, entrepreneurs can unlock a new level of financial freedom. Rather than being tied to hourly rates or one-on-one client sessions, they can command higher fees for their program, leading to increased revenue and profitability.


Impact and Influence:

A well-designed signature program enables entrepreneurs to amplify their impact and influence within their niche. By delivering transformational results to a larger audience, they can position themselves as thought leaders and industry experts, attracting more clients and opportunities for collaboration and growth.

How Good Can It Get?

Imagine waking up each morning feeling excited and inspired, knowing that you're making a meaningful impact on the lives of your clients.

Picture yourself running a thriving business that not only generates consistent income but also allows you the freedom to live life on your own terms – whether that means traveling the world, spending more time with your loved ones, or pursuing your passions outside of work.

With the right guidance and support, this vision can become your reality. But only if you take action.

Don’t wait for another week, month, or year to go by without you breaking free of the time clock and finally earning what you’re worth. 

A Note From Me To You:

Hi, I’m Valerie McTavish and I’ve been working full-time in the online space ever since I quit my broadcasting career in 2010. When I jumped into entrepreneurship, I did what many experts do - I became a freelancer and a consultant.

I sold my time. It was a great way to get started but eventually, I realized that I was limited in both how many people I could help and how much I could grow my revenue. That’s when I created my first of many online courses. Those programs changed the game for me until the game changed.

I started to notice what I call ‘online course fatigue’ and I knew that I had to do more to support my clients if I wanted to attract them. So, I created the first of several signature programs and haven’t looked back.

Now I’m thrilled to be able to offer a clear path for women to follow so they can enjoy the financial, time, and location freedom I have today. 

What Clients Say About Creating a Signature Program With Me:

"I have already grossed more in this launch than any launch I've ever had, which has been at least 10 or 20 launches, and I've had my top two months in sales.”


“Her approach is not only informed and professional but also marked by genuine kindness and a strong sense of accountability.”


“[She] provided a clear path forward in my coaching journey. I feel so much more confident in what I'm offering. It's like finding a new sense of purpose for my business.”


“I have my full course up online and a complete marketing plan. I'm light years ahead of where I would have been just a little while ago. I'm really grateful to Valerie.”


“I feel set up for success and clarity. I don't feel like a leaf blowing in the wind. I don't feel like I'm going to wake up one day and feel like I did it all wrong.”


Your High-Ticket, Bespoke Signature Program is Just a Few Steps Away From Completely Changing Your Current Reality

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Earnings and income representations made by Valerie McTavish, and their advertisers/sponsors are aspirational statements only of your earnings’ potential. The success of Valerie McTavish, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying Valerie McTavish’s programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

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